Pete Hartley – Violinist for Jewish Weddings

A Jewish wedding ceremony can take place indoors or outdoors at a venue of choice. Traditionally the ceremony is conducted in a synagogue but Rabbinical law states that Jewish weddings can take place almost anywhere as long as the betrothal takes place under a canopy called the Chuppah. The Chuppah. symbolises the home that the couple is making together and is open on all four sides to symbolise that they will always welcome family and friends into their home.
Jewish Wedding Ceremony Stages
- The Bridal Procession
- The Blessings of Betrothal
- The Seven Blessings
- Breaking of the Glass
- The Ketubah
- The Reception

Music can be played as the guests gather at the venue.
Music played as the bride enters the synagogue or the wedding ceremony venue on her father’s arm
Breaking of the Glass
After the groom breaks the glass traditional music is usually launched into with a lively medley continuing as guests depart.
Drinks Reception
Music can be played to provide light background music for the guests to chat and mingle over champagne.

The Dinner
Music can be played whilst the guests are eating. It may be required for the musician to mingle amongst the tables. Circle dancing may take place during courses to Israeli tunes such as Hava Naglia. There may be a selection of traditional dances that take place during this stage of the wedding celebrations such as handkerchief and line dances and traditionally the couple are lifted on chairs and paraded around.
After Dinner Dancing
Music can be played well into the evening celebrations. Musical choice here may be more modern in terms of dancing, such as rock and roll, sixties and seventies, eighties, nineties up to modern day to appeal to all tastes.
If you have any questions about any aspect of Pete’s services please do call, email or complete the form.
Phone: 07860 605114